Creative Flutters

Care guide

Care Guide and Insructions

  • When displaying your new frame/dome ensure you are keeping them in a dry space with low humidity – do not display in a bathroom, wardrobe or above plants that need a lot of moisture.
  • Keep out of direct sunlight – this can cause the colours of the butterflies within the piece to become damaged and sun bleached. Keep away from excessively heated locations such as a fireplace – the butterflies are mounted using glue so if they get very hot this will cause the glue to melt and this could result in damage to your piece. Keep mounts out of reach of pets and small children, just in case they think they’ve found a new toy.
  • Domes are not sealed at the base so be careful when moving any pieces
  • If moving home, avoid leaving any frames/domes boxed up for long periods of time and try not to store them in outbuildings, attics, or wardrobes. This is due to the risk of moisture build up and insects.
  • When cleaning your frames/domes it is important to handle them with care.
  • The butterflies are extremely fragile and delicate and too much movement can cause damage.
  • A feather duster is the best tool to use to clean your piece, if you need to deeper clean the surface use window cleaner sprayed on paper towel and carefully wipe the surface.
  • In all the years that I have been collecting and making butterfly pieces, I have never had an issue with any sort of insect infestation in any of my mounts as they are kept in a clean environment, so take the following information as a precaution only:
  • In the unlikely event that you notice dust-like specks inside of your frame, this may be book lice. Place the piece into the freezer for at least 3 days to kill off anything living, remove for a couple of days and then repeat the first step to kill any unhatched eggs.
  • Do not place glass in freezer in case of cracking.
  • Closely monitor the rest of your collection during this period as they may have gotten into other frames also.
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Get in touch with us

We can design and create custom frames and domes to your liking (depending on availability). Talk to us and let us know what you have in mind and we will be in touch.  

Creative Flutters